Tax service Netherlands

This is how we can make your life easier

This is how we can make your life easier;
• We can fill in your Dutch tax application as a Professional Tax Consultant so you don’t have to
We will use a checklist in order to gather information and make sure nothing is left out
• We compare the info you provided with the info the belastingdienst registered to make sure all information is correct
• We use digital versions of all forms to eliminate the need for paper forms; 
• We can apply for a postponent for you, even after the due date on the document you have received from the Belastingdienst has expired. In most cases the Belastingdienst will grant our requests
• We eliminate the need for Digid codes
• All reports and letters will be in English or Dutch, in case you need an additional language, feel free to contact us
• If needed will answer your tax question by email or a give short tax consultant by phone(15 mins)
• Send your tax application to the Belastingdienst for you, only after your approval
If you have worked for only a short period of time in the Netherlands for example a few months or weeks you are most likely eligible for a  tax refund

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